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Ultrafine particles (UFP)

Quercus partnered with Van Wees Innovations to tackle air quality and unregulated Ultrafine particles or nanoparticles pollution in Mongolia.

Surveying meteorological conditions, mapping polluters, conducting air quality measurements, and identifying suitable solutions research studies have been carried out within the frame of the project in Ulaanbaatar since March 2018.

  • Mapping and measurement of UFP;
  • Sampling sites, related geographical coordinates;
  • Report on UFP research.

Van Wees Innovations has designed and developed a new revolutionary system that can filter large quantities of fine and ultrafine particles from ambient air. This innovation cleans from 300 m³ up to 4,800,000 m³ of air per hour. Using multi sub-processes, this one-of-a-kind system removes 100% of the fine particles and over 99,9% of the ultra-fine particles.